Chapter 14 Part 2 | Long Live the King

November 18, 2024. WWE Monday Night RAW. Dakota Kai Video Package. While away from the action, her self-doubt got stronger by the day. She tried to keep it together because she felt her dreams slipping away. She told herself when she’s healthy and back everything will be better yet on the other side of that, maybe there won’t be a place for her anymore. Maybe people wouldn’t care. So, she had to ask herself, honestly: Is she good enough?

The crowd pop upon her return certified people still care. The King Kota Movement has always believed in and supported her. And always will. From the woodwork old and new fans alike come rallying her name from sea to sky to mountain top. They call out for their Captain, their King. With everything that she is, Dakota Kai has never wanted this more, she’s never loved this more. She’s ready to show everyone why Dakota Kai is a Champion. King Kota is ready. The fans are ready. Now Come the Days of the King.

The dream of King Kota is the dream shared by All Dakota Kai Fans. The King standing on top the WWE Women’s Division as a champion. But one person does not share that dream. To the surprise of no one, it’s Dakota’s long-time tormentor Shayna Baszler. During RAW Talk, Shayna recalled injuring Dakota multiple times. Baszler vowed Pure Fusion Collective will keep putting Dakota on the shelf until Kai becomes the example of what happens when people mess with Zoey Stark, Sonya Deville and Shayna Baszler.

Sonya Deville admitted things have not gone well for PFC but schemes having a plan to change that. What her cryptic words mean remains to be seen. But what seems obvious is that the war between Dakota and Shayna is far from over. Dakota may have gotten a measure of payback during the six-woman tag, however that first ever televised singles win against her long-time tormentor still eludes her. Perhaps, that will be a step on the journey of Dakota Kai to winning championship gold.

Monday Night RAW 11/18/2024 Content

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