Dakota Kai Challenges Women's Intercontinental Champion Lyra Valkyria
on WWE Monday Night RAW February 24, 2025 | Posted February 21st

Dakota Kai challenges Lyra Valkyria for the Women’s Intercontinental Championship on WWE Monday Night RAW February 24, 2025. As the hours tick away to this match, I have some thoughts to share with everyone. I’d argue every pro-wrestling product is a mixed bag because cooking is subjective since we all enjoy different things. There’s stuff about every promotion I follow that I enjoy, yet other stuff that does nothing for me. Something I enjoy, something WWE has done well, has been building up Dakota Kai into a babyface. Not even a character, instead she’s a real person whose overcome hurdles, someone relatable to all. Someone you want to root for.

Dakota Kai not becoming the inaugural Women’s Intercontinental Champion on WWE Monday Night RAW 1/13/2025 didn’t sit well with me. But I looked at the bigger picture of the loss. In that loss, her babyface role felt solidified for some time to come. Perhaps, it was just a matter of time until her reactions got louder then she’d finally win that elusive first-ever singles championship.

Even if it’s a scripted television show, pro-wrestling championships feel they should be rewards, not something to “make someone’s young career”. Dakota Kai was the glue of NXT’s Women’s Division from the Black & Gold Era until April 29, 2022. She has done whatever required of her since getting re-signed to the main roster. Dakota Kai has more than earned a chance to carry a ball for a time.

RAW 2/24/2025. Elimination Chamber. WrestleMania 41. Spring. Summer. The right time is hard to say. But what isn’t hard to say is that the time has come for her to get her moment. The dream of Dakota Kai finally winning that elusive championship. A moment where her fans, new and old, can cheer for her and she can make that famous heart back. A babyface Dakota Kai whose overcome everything from real life injuries to kayfabe insanity and bullying. Finally standing on the ropes and holding up a championship instead of making the motion with her hands. There is no other proper climax to this saga.

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